Sunday, February 10, 2013

The precious seconds of our day

Like most mums, I have a pretty busy day that mainly revolves around my son. It's pretty wonderful. I get to wake up to his beautiful voice (usually muttering a variation of da, ma, ba or ga) and spend an eventful adventurous silly day with him then be the last person to kiss him on his forehead as he dozes off into never never land. I do sometimes suffer the fated amnesia day when the day has gone by so quickly with such frenzy that I forget what (else) has happened. Recently I watched this video on where Cesar Kuriyama's speech on how capturing one second of his everyday on video helped him to not only remember but appreciate the things in his life, has inspired me to do something similar, for R and perhaps more importantly for myself.

I've decided to tweek it so that instead of taking a video, I feel a photograph of a certain time of day eg 4:15pm, would be a good way to capture some essence of our days together.

Here is the video of Kuriyama, and by seeing it I hope you are also inspired to appreciate the beauty of your everyday life.

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