Baby boy sprouted 6 teeth in the last 40 days, that's an average of one per 6.8 days! His four canines and the two upper teeth have all revealed themselves and thus bringing with them the dreaded teething pains and irritations.
I read somewhere that the canine teeth were the most painful ones of all the teeth and for the past month I really do feel like I've been dealing with a unbelievably fussy child. He wasn't always very fussy there were the treasured few days here and there when (I'm guessing) the teeth stopped growing that he would turn into an absolute angel, smiling happy all day long before turning back into the little devil the next day as though to give his worn out mum a much needed time out.
Signs to look out for when teething are the obvious swollen gums, irritability, sometimes the child will refuse to eat due to painful guns (R was fine but he would reject foods that were too hard or chewy), a little bit of runny poo and especially in the case of canine teeth the child will most likely be touching their cheeks a lot.
Some people say children will run a low grade fever when teething but I personally have never found that with R.
I used a teething gel from when R first started teething to help sooth his gums and I found it definitely helped, especially at night to make sure he didn't wake up multiple times from the pain and assured him and us a restful night.
Also extra hugs and kisses are definitely essential in making the teething period more tolerable.
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